What I've Done
In this farewell,
There's no blood,
There's no alibi.
'Cause I've drawn regret,
From the truth,
Of a thousand lies.
So let mercy come,
And wash away…what I've Done.
I'll face myself,
To cross out what I've become.
Erase myself,
And let go of what I've done.
Put to rest,
What you thought of me.
While I clean this slate,
With the hands,
Of uncertainty.
So let mercy come,
And wash away…
What I've Done.
I'll face myself,
To cross out what I've become.
Erase myself,
And let go of what I've done.
For What I've Done
I'll start again,
And whatever pain may come.
Today this ends,
I'm forgiving what I've done.
I'll face myself,
To cross out what I've become.
Erase myself,
And let go of what I've done.
What I've done.
Forgiving What I've Done.
Shadow Of The Day
[Chester Bennington]
I close both locks below the window.
I close both blinds and turn away.
Sometimes solutions aren't so simple.
Sometimes goodbye's the only way. ah ah
And the sun will set for you,
The sun will set for you.
And the shadow of the day,
Will embrace the world in grey,
And the sun will set for you.
Pink cards and flowers on your window,
Your friends all plead for you to stay.
Sometimes beginnings aren't so simple.
Sometimes goodbye's the only way. ah ah
And the sun will set for you,
The sun will set for you.
And the shadow of the day,
Will embrace the world in grey,
And the sun will set for you.
And the shadow of the day,
Will embrace the world in grey,
And the sun will set for you.
[Guitar solo]
And the shadow of the day,
Will embrace the world in grey,
And the sun will set for you
◎ 歌手 / 團體: Linkin park-聯合公園 ,我就老是告訴大家,我長大一定要當歌手。」 最近因為跑宥嘉活動和愛玩 我家小黑的乘客很多 所以除了一路上迷幻嘉歌聲相伴外 我的天團Linkin Park也頗受好評捏 其實 聯合公園一直就不是一般庸俗狂吼的搖滾咖而已 嘶吼以及強烈節奏的背後 有著強勢的批判和使命感 我超超超級欣賞這樣的態度 先推薦欣賞全宇宙國民流行超級無敵鑽石曲 (ㄎㄎ~~還能有更囂張的形容詞嗎??) What I’ve done(電影變形金剛主題曲ㄉㄟ司) 還有孤姐姐念念不忘的”Shadow of the day” 依著心跳節奏的速度揭開序曲 影片很有深度 最後一個音符消失時 心理卻湧起滿滿的省思…..
喔~~ 附贈同曲由另一個年輕小樂團以鋼琴伴奏的版本 哎呀呀 看著這個不隸屬任何唱片公司的獨立樂團 那表演方式 我們
「大家對我們最大的誤解就是以為我們只是個搖滾團,我們認為我們的音樂是由很多類型音樂交錯而成,,一種伴著我們六個人成長歲的綜合體。」吉他手布萊德戴爾可先得把話說清楚,原本團名跟首張大碟名稱[Hybrid Theory]一樣的聯合公園樂團認為[Hybrid Theory]就是樂團努力的目標,樂風融入重口味的另類搖滾、hip-hop式的街頭派對奏、炫麗昂揚的電子音符,再加上聯合公園嗆聲表態的強勢詞曲神采,儼然成為耍酷搖滾e世代的精神堡壘。
Shadow of the day by boyceavenue